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Optimalbux Forum

Adpack question

Started by Aiidden 2018-07-07 at 20:02
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 4
HI, I am new here and i'm very interesting in the adpack purchase, i have just a question, are we sure to receive 120% of what we invest in the adpack or it depend of something else, like maybe the number of our clicks or i don't know.

Thanks you for your answer

Kind regards
Posts: 350
We are sure that we get 120% of our adpacks.
The only thing you have to do, is to see 4 advertisments, in order to get your daily percentage grow up for your adpacks.
But the difference with the rr, is that if you don't see 4 ads, you don't loose.

For example...I am Diamond
Let's say I get an adpack.
The first day I see 4 ads, so the second I will get my 1% and it is remaining 119%
The second day I see 4 ads, so the third I will get my 1% and it is remaining 118%
The thrid day I don't see any ads...I am remaining at 118%
The fourth day I see 4 ads, so the fifth I will get my 1% and it is remaining 117%
Posts: 4
Thank you a lot for these information i totally understood what you were meaning, have a good continuation.

Kind regards

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